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Art No. 31114
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  • Precision ground vice with flatness, parallelism and square ness within 5 Microns.
  • Most suitable for use as an auxiliary tool for grinding small or tapered objects or the ends of rods and flat plates vertically up.
  • Magnetic force acts from both sides in a vice-like fashion.
  • The upper surface and both sides are magnetic and are thus suitable for processing work pieces that require a right angle square.


  • For machining applications where accuracy and holding of irregular jobs are required.
  • V face of the movable jaw can be aligned to the work piece face.
  • Can hold delicate jobs without distortion.
All Dimensions are in mm.
Art No.LWHClamping Area Select for
31114.01 180 110 75 65 x 100
31114.02 225 160 90 75 x 150
  • Due to continuous upgradation in design there could be changes in specification.
  • Other sizes on request.